
In developing CampusTrack our goal was to create an accountability solution that was as user friendly, flexible and customizable as possible.

Main Features

CampusTrack enables you to track any student information that you choose. You can fill in any or all of the pre-defined information fields.
Keep track of certifications, trainings, off campus courses, employer communication etc. Records can be setup to expire with notifications for students and users. You can record group or individual records. For instance, if a group of students completes HCS3000, you can record all of the students at once.
CampusTrack can be set up to match your current divisional structure.
Administrators (or users):
Assign an individual to view/edit the entire division or just their specific school.

CampusTrack logs the username and date with each entry making audits extremely reliable. Modifications to records in the system are permitted however a log is kept of all changes.
Email Notification:
Tired of constantly having to go over spreadsheets or stacks of paperwork to make sure that student supervision and timesheets are up to date? CampusTrack will automatically send notification emails to students and users based on predetermined advanced notice.
CampusTrack enables you to generate many useful reports, from a simple phone or email list, to a comprehensive credential report on all of your students. Report from a single school or the entire division, selecting the fields you want to include in the report. Run record reports to see what students have completed courses or trainings or have expiring credentials in the coming months.
Privacy and security is our top priority. CampusTrack uses 128 bit encryption (the same type of encryption that online banking systems use) to ensure your data is secure and private.